12  Short practical

12.1 Short practical

  1. On GitHub:
    1. Go to our test repo (in our test organization) here

    2. Clone the repo to your local machine

  2. In GitHub Desktop: make a new branch and switch to it
  3. In any text editor:
    1. Create a new markdown file called yourfirstname-yourlastname.md

    2. Add a sentence or two to the file about yourself, e.g.,

    3. Save this file into the (top level of the) repo

  4. In GitHub Desktop: Commit this new file into your new branch
  5. In GitHub Desktop: Push your new branch upto GitHub
  6. On GitHub: Open a pull request from your branch to the main branch in which you select a reviewer (Tom/Venexia/Marwa)
  7. In your text editor and GitHub Desktop: Make any changes requested by the reviewer and add these to your PR - hopefully your pull request will then be merged by the reviewer!
  8. On GitHub: Delete the branch you made your pull request from
  9. In GitHub Desktop: Pull down the updated master branch to your machine … in a real workflow you would then make another new branch and do more work…