2  Installing Git and GitHub Desktop

2.1 Installing Git

(It turns out that GitHub Desktop has a version of Git within it. If you only ever intend to use Git through GitHub Desktop you don’t need to install Git and can skip to the GitHub Desktop section.)

  • Windows
    • Download and install from here
  • macOS comes with an out-dated version of Git
    • I recommend installing the Homebrew version

    • First install Homebrew, see instructions here

    • Then run in your Terminal app

      brew upgrade
      brew install git
    • Additionally on a Mac it is helpful to install Xcode command line tools (i.e., avoid installing the whole of Xcode.)

      xcode-select --install
      • You must reinstall these tools everytime you upgrade macOS major versions, e.g., when you’ve upgraded from Big Sur to Monterey etc.
  • Once Git is installed its executable (called git on macOS and Linux and git.exe on Windows) should be available at your command line
    • Check which version you have with (you want something recent-ish)

      git --version
    • On my Mac currently I have

      git version 2.39.1

2.2 Installing GitHub Desktop

  • You could use Git through its command syntax however I recommend you use a graphical Git client

  • For Windows and macOS download and install GitHub Desktop from here

  • A Linux version of GitHub Desktop is available from here

  • I recommend installing the free VSCode text editor, from here, and setting that as the “External editor” in GitHub Desktop options (Click: File | Options…)

  • On Windows I also recommend installing Windows Terminal from here