10  OpenSAFELY repositories

10.1 Demo repo

  • Have a look at the demo repo here

10.2 Getting started

  • See OS page here

  • If creating a new repo create from the OS template here

  • This is already Git initialized

  • Important files

    • project.yaml
      • Defines the jobs and the order in which they run
    • /analysis/study_defintion.py
      • Defines the study population extracted from the OpenSAFELY database
      • This should return .csv file/s of data to read into R
    • /analysis/##_R-scripts.R
      • Your analysis scripts (where ## is the number of your script)

10.3 Running jobs (on the dummy data)

There are a couple of ways to run jobs on the dummy data system.

  • In your OpenSAFELY repo online
    • Use Gitpod
  • On your own machine, in which case please install the following free software
    • If on Windows - Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2, using the instructions here
    • Docker Desktop, from here
    • Python (described on a previous page here)
    • Git (described on previous page here)
    • GitHub Desktop, from here
    • VSCode text editor, from here