5  Making a pull request

5.1 Making a pull request

  • Let’s start by creating a new branch

  • We do some work (in VSCode/text editor/RStudio) which creates a markdown file with a title and some text. We then make a new commit which adds this new file to the repo

  • Next publish the new branch to GitHub

  • Now initiate the creation of the PR by either clicking in GitHub Desktop “Create Pull Request”

  • or clicking on the button on the repo webpage “Compare & pull request”

  • Edit the title box, add some extra text in the comment box, select a reviewer, and then click “Create pull request”

  • You can amend/edit pull requests by modifying/adding commits to the branch from which you sent the PR

  • See more about pull request reviews here

  • (The reviewer) will then merge your PR

  • (The reviewer) will then confirm the merge

  • (Optional) Delete the branch the PR came from

  • The PR is now finished and we can see the merge commit in the default (main/master) branch

  • In GitHub Desktop click “Fetch origin”/“Pull origin” to pull the updated main/master branch down to your local machine … and the process begins again …